Engine No: RC31E5000174 VIN: RD035000164
This Honda XRV650 Africa Twin was stolen from the Warwick area of Warwickshire on the night of 27/28th January 2025. It was stolen when fitted with the shorter, clear screen. It was not fitted with a battery at the time, and the thieves took the time to fit a battery to the bike, leaving behind the side panel in the secured garage that the bikes wee taken from. It is quite distinctive with the French Registration attached to the bike, ‘EG-133-V2’ The bike was SORN due to it being reregistered in the UK at the time.
This bike was taken alongside another, Husqvarna 701 with it’s own distinctive Omega Rally Kit fitted to the bike. Have you seen eitjer of these bikes? Have you noticed a foreign registered bike being ridden down the road during winter months when touring is less common? Have you seen these bikes being ridden anywhere? Do you know where they are being kept? Have you been offered any parts that match the description, or have you sold a side panel recently? Have you seen anyone loading motorcycles into the back of a van that fit this description in the area, or in a service station?
If you have any information, you can contact anonymously if requested. We don’t care who you are, your details will go no further – we just want to get these bikes back.
Please SHARE THIS POST far and wide, Lets get this bike home where it belongs!
Thanks in Advance.